Dec 22, 2018
Mary D. Brooks’s Mabel of the ANZACS novel was turned into a radio play on Sherri’s Playhouse.
You can now download Part 1 in mp3 format from our store!
Written By: Mary D. Brooks
Produced by: Sherri’s Playhouse
Directed by: Sherri Rabinowitz
In 1948 Post War Australia, teenager and World War II Greek Resistance fighter Zoe Lambros meets Mabel Andrews, a mercurial, cantankerous former World War I Australian nurse. Zoe’s introduction to the fiery octogenarian is an explosive mix of sound and fury.
Neither woman wants to give ground and they are determined to be proven right. For Zoe, actions speak louder than words and she sets out to uncover the enigma that is Mabel Andrews. Mabel discovers a kindred spirit that leads to an unlikely friendship.
Together the two women forge a close bond that will change their lives forever.
Narrator – Shaun Ritter
Zoe Lambros – Arielle Strauss
Eva Haralambos – J’nae Rae Spano
Mabel Andrews – Sherri Rabinowitz
Elena Mannheim – Jen Gray
Henry Franz – Rayment Brent
Earl Wiggins – Everett Robert
Lena Stavridis – Liz Elliot
Mr Ross – Wesley Marshall
Sep 22, 2018
We are pleased to announce publication of a book that has been 25 years in the making (well, in 2020 it will be 25 years). We are planning ahead. AUSXIP Publishing will be publishing a book called XENA: THEIR COURAGE CHANGED OUR WORLD – How Xena: Warrior Princess Changed Lives and Inspired Generations.
Publication is September 4, 2020 and as a Xena fan you have your chance to tell the world how Xena Warrior Princess changed your life. It’s a book about YOU the fan and the friendships you’ve made, the life changes that were made, the creative genius that was brought forth through fanfic and art, the generosity of spirit in brought forth and how Xena changed fandom forever.
Publication Date: September 4, 2020
Deadline to Submit: December 31, 2019
We will have further news about the book and how you can participate shortly. You can also join our AUSXIP Publishing mailing list to keep updated!
The Starship Foundation is the official charity of AUSXIP and AUSXIP Publishing. We are happy to announce that 100% of the royalties from this book will be donated to The Starship Foundation because one of the main messages of this show has been the Greater Good. We know the excellent work the Starship Foundation does for the children of New Zealand. Since 2006, AUSXIP has raised $198,000 for Starship and we hope to continue to do into the future.
Are you interested? You can now submit submit your story

Jun 11, 2018
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Apr 28, 2018
Zoe Lambros meets Mabel Andrews, a mercurial, cantankerous World War I Australian nurse. Zoe’s introduction to the fiery octogenarian is an explosive mix of sound and fury. Neither woman wants to give ground and they are determined to be proven right. For Zoe, actions speak louder than words and Mabel finds a kindred spirit that […]